Monday, April 26

Regala masaje el Día de la Madre

Regala masaje el Día de la Madre!

El masaje es una de las formas terapéuticas más naturales y seguras que se conocen.

Regala un masaje de cuerpo entero - Masaje ayurvédico - siguiendo la filosofía Ayurveda con aceites.

o bien eligi un CHAMPI - masaje indio de cabeza - trabaja en la parte posterior y superior de la espalda, hombros, brazos, cuello, cabeza y cara, que son las áreas más vulnerables a acumular estrés y tensión.

Más información:

6100 83439

Thursday, April 22

All forms of divine are one.

The Divine will take any form in which you call him. He is not bound by any limitation of the mind. He can manifest Himself the way you call Him. Call Him as Jesus, He will come as Jesus. When you call Him Krishna, He will come as Krishna. It’s not that you call Him as Jesus and He will appear as Narshinga Dev (Narasimha) in front of you! Some would never believe in Narshinga Dev. When somebody believes in Krishna and the Divine appears as Jesus, it would be strange; wouldn’t it?

Once, in India, there were three friends who were arguing. They were looking at a chameleon moving along a tree branch. One of the three friends said that the chameleon was green. The second one said, "No, no, it’s not green, it’s red." Then the third one said, "No, it’s brown." So, they were busy fighting with each other about what color the chameleon really was.

After some time, one of the three friends said, “Let’s go and ask the saint who is sitting under the tree over there.” So, they went and one friend asked the saint saying, “My dear holy man, is this chameleon green?” The saint said, “Yes.” The second friend said, “No, no, no, no, no, it’s red. Again the saint said, “Yes.” Then the third friend said, “No, no, no, no, no, that chameleon is brown.” Again the saint said, “Yes.” Of course they were all shocked that the saint always said, “Yes.” Then the saint explained to them: “It’s true that the chameleon displayed all the colors that you all said. Why? A chameleon changes colors according to where it is sitting.” Such is the Divine also. He will always come in the form and in the way you call Him.

Posted by Vishwananda-Utpalavati

Wednesday, April 21

Taller de OM Healing & Meditación Simple Bendecidas por Maravatar Babaji En Barcelona, Sabado 15 de Mayo.

OM Healing &
Meditación Simple Bendecidas por Maravatar Babaji
En Barcelona,

Sabado 15 de Mayo desde 10h hasta 18h

La MEDITACIÓN SIMPLE es un tipo de meditación que es fácilmente aplicable a la vida diaria con efectos profundos. La meditación simple consiste en la meditación con mantras, la visualización y contemplación, la pranayama (alternando la respiración de las ventanas nasales) y la Sanación OM. La práctica regular nos ayudará a centrarnos más en nuestro corazón y a pronfundizar en nuestra conexión espiritual, de modo que podremos sentir un amor y placer más intensos.

Sanacion OM

Sanación Om es una antigua técnica de sanación en grupo que usa la vibración cosmica de OM para sanar a la humanidad y a la Madre Tierra. Despues de miles de anos, entramos en un nuevo periodo de tiempo, en el cual la genteesta descubriendo cada vez mas los potenciales ocultos dentro de si mismos. Sanacion OM ha sido traído por Mahavatar Babaji y Sri Swami Vishwananda para ayudar y facilitareste cambio en la humanidad.

Plazas Limitadas: 20 Personas
Precio: 50€
Reserva: 20€

(Puedes reservar tu plaza los días 22, 29 de Abril y 6 y 13 de Mayo – en los días que o ganizamos Círculos de Sanación OM)

Lugar: Jardi de la Salut – Carrer d´Argentona, 4 – Metro: Joanic)

Contacto: Mahesh Tel.: 6100 83439 o E-mail:

Sobre la profesora del curso: Triambhakeshwari actualmente vive en Alemania, en el Centro de Bhakti Marga. Ella trabaja para el Instituto de Atma Kriya Yoga, su foco principal está en la coordinación Internacional de Círculo de Sanación OM. Ella es una profesora de Atma Kriya y Hatha Yoga y organiza regularmente cursos de yoga y meditación.
En sus enseñanzas le gusta encontrar el equilibrio y conectar Jnana Yoga con el Bhakti Yoga-Sabiduría con devoción y el amor puro.

Monday, April 19

Bhu Devi Yagna program

Bhu Devi Yagna program

with Swami Vishwananda, at Shree Peetha Nilaya, Springen

The Bhu Devi Yagna is a yagna that is conducted by Sri Swami Vishwananda to help assist Mother Earth. Currently Mother Earth is exposed to many pressures that humanity have created – wars, pollution, over population, misuse of natural resources (deforestation and more) etc have had an impact upon the natural cycles of Mother Earth.

Many of you may be aware of the changes in the weather patterns in your country over the last 10 years or more.
Consequently there has been an increase in freak weather conditions – hurricanes, storms and also an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity worldwide [note: this text was drafted before the latest volcano eruption of past Wednesday in Iceland!]. The imbalances displayed by Mother Earth are the outward reflection of the imbalances created and inherent in the human population. By bringing about an alignment to the natural state of being that is within oneself, this allows us to end war and disharmony in the external world. Quite often a process of purification is required to establish this connection and ground this connection to that state of being.

The purpose of this yagna is to help to purify the effects that humanity have had upon Mother and to help her in the cleansing process that she is undertaking. The yagna helps those in attendance to purify karmic aspects and to live more in harmony with their own deeper nature that is in harmony with the laws of nature and not at odds with them.

VIDEO: Earth Song (Michael Jackson)

Time & Conditions:
The Bhu Devi Yagna begins Friday afternoon April 30th, 3pm and will finish on Sunday early afternoon. The cost for the Bhu Devi Yagna is 108€ (this is the cost just for the yagna and does not include any costs for staying at the centre).

To Register:
Please send an e-mail to asking to be registered for the event. You can also call registration on 00 49 (0)6124 727 690 between Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 16:00. As a friend of family member, it is also possible to book to stay at Shree Peetha Nilaya (Center Springen) please give the names of the people and numbers of people wishing to stay at the center.
Please ensure that you arrive at centre Springen by 10:00 in the morning on Friday. We intend to have all the people coming for the event booked in and to have finished all the administration so that the event can start early Friday afternoon.

Friday, April 30
approx. 15:00 - aprox. 20:00 Yagna

Saturday, May 1
approx. 9:00 - 13:00 Yagna
Lunch, afternoon free/Seva
19:00-23:00 Darshan

Sunday, May 2
approx. 9:00 - 13:00 Yagna
Lunch, Yagna after lunch if we do not finish before

Impressions of Bhu Devi 2009 (flickr)

Thursday, April 15

Book: Unity With The Divine

About the Book
Unity With The Divine is a series of epistles or letters written through a Divine imprinting technique that Babaji defines as “heart to heart and mind to mind communication.” Babaji informed the venerated Indian saint, Lahiri Mahasaya: “When one feels his unity with mankind, all minds become transmitting stations through which he can work at will.” Through his disciple, he proclaims that the Divine purpose of his Epistles is to present in contemporary language a spiritual pathway for transformation and attunement with The Divine that he assures is possible for everyone.

Purchase this Book

Tuesday, April 13

Apresentação à Imprensa do filme Deportados. (14 de Abril äs 14h em Achada Grande Frente - Praia - Cabo Verde)

Acabei de montar a minha 1ª longa-metragem
Formado HDV 16:9
duração 80 minutos

Desde a ideia até este momento passaram 5 longos anos de trabalho árduo avanços e recuos (alegria e tristezas).

Filmei as primeiras imagens em fevereiro de 2008, oficialmente comecei a rodagem em Novembro de 2008 e acabei em abril de 2009.
apoios também tive, e como na vida estamos sempre a aprender aprendi que pior do que não apoiar e dar muito pouco.

PC Produções, produtora do filme Deportados vem por este meio convidar a este órgão de comunicação social a assistir à apresentação à imprensa do filme documental Deportados do Realizador Paulo Cabral.
Trata-se de 1° longa-metragem do Realizador e aborda a Deportação dos Cabo-verdianos vindos dos Estados Unidos da América.
A apresentação será na sede da Empresa em Achada Grande Frente no próximo dia 14 de Abril pelas 10 horas

sozinho: passei fome, sede, na casa onde moro cortaram água, luz, telefone e internet.
durante tudo este tempo fui um mau Pai e mau marido, a vocês meus filhos e a te minha esposa peço que me perdoem.

neste momento pergunto a mim mesmo valeu a pena?
algum dia voltas a fazer outro?

Um abraço
Paulo Cabral

PC Produções
Achada Grande, Praia
Ilha de Santiago Cabo Verde
Cont: 2634648 9863959

Tuesday, April 6

Quando neva e eu lembro o sol

quando neva e eu lembro o sol

o sol brilha por entre os flocos de uma neve muito branda

a minha rosa gosta do frio

mantém-se aberta

e muito vermelha

quando olho a elegância

do seu longo pé

pé de rosa




uma pétala branca

ou talvez uma marca rósea



Saturday, April 3

AGENDA de abril - Sanación Om (Om Healing) en Barcelona

Con da bendeción de Sri Swami Vishwananda.

Círculos de Sanación Om
en Jardin de la Salut
Carrer d´Argentona, 4
Metro: Joanic
Todos los Jueves en Abril
Días: 1, 8, 15, 22 y 29
A las 18h hasta 19h30


Círculo de Sanación Om
en La Floresta
Lunes, día 5 de Abril a las 18h30
Cita: Estacion de Ferrocarril - La Floresta a las 18h

Después una pequeña cena con lo que traiga cada uno para compartir.


Círculo de Sanación Om
Especial Luna Llena
Miercoles, día 28 de Abril a las 20h30
En Valldoreix

Después una pequeña cena con lo que traiga cada uno para compartir.


Es posible que ocurra más círculos durante este mes de Abril.
Se informará con tiempo suficiente


Libre y Abierto a Todos

Confirma tu presencia, por favor!

Mahesh (Certificado en Círculo de Sanación Om)

Tel: 610 083 439


Friday, April 2

Fiesta om party este sabado en mi casa

Os invito a mi casa mañana por la tarde para una meditación especial del Circulo de sanación Om de Sri Swami Vishwananda facilitado por Mahesh a las 18h en punto. Esta meditación sanadora consiste en recitar el mantram Om durante una hora sin parar en círculo .

Durante el proceso nadie puede entrar ni retirarse del circulo por lo que la puntualidad es indispensable. La explicación comienza a las 18h y el circulo empieza a las 18h30 y acaba a las 19h30 . Mínimo tenemos que ser tres personas! Traeros un cojín para sentaros y una manta para cubriros. Los que no podáis sentaros en el suelo hay sillas disponibles.

Después de entrar en conexión con nuestro Ser superior y haber sanado algún mal que nos afecte podemos empezar una pequeña cena con lo que traiga cada uno para compartir y después haremos una fiesta trance con música etno espiritual con sonidos tribales de djeridoo , djembes, y samples ! Si alguien tiene algún instrumento y lo quiera tocar puede traerlo también.

Entraremos en estados de trance para desconectar de nuestro día a día!

Confirmad antes de este este sábado por email
o por tel:


Om namo narayani!

Ramón Puig