Tuesday, April 29

Formação de Rebirthers Nível 1

5 Dias Intensivos com Shanti Gressard
Um Programa de Formação Pessoal
Quer pretenda ser um(a) Rebirther Profissional
ou acelerar a sua evolução espiritual
21 a 25 de Maio - Oficina Pessoa
10h às 18h
(facilidade de pagamento)
(a descontar no valor do investimento)
Neste poderoso programa vai aprender
O que fazer com a Raiva e Medo
Clarificar o seu Corpo Emocional
Os Tipos de Nascimento
Os Padrões de Relacionamento
O Trauma de Nascimento
Como transformar Pensamentos e Padrões sabotadores
Um Curso em Milagres
Shanti Gressard, cresceu em Lifou, uma ilha perto do Paraíso: praias de areia branca e coqueiros, um lugar onde o tempo repousa. Era aí que fazia mergulho todos os dias numa maravilhosa lagoa de águas límpidas do Pacífico. Quando veio para Paris em adulta, questionou-se como poderia substituir os seus mergulhos diários. Foi então que descobriu o Rebirthing como uma arte de vida.
Faça uma sublime diferença no mundo
Faça da sua vida uma oferenda sagrada de excelência
Contacte para inscrição e informações
(+351) 967 599 363 - Ana Teresa Fonseca
Traga um amigo(a) e receba um desconto

Tuesday, April 22


"Walk on the High Path, but follow No One."

- Truth

- Simplicity

- Love

- Service

- Om Namah Shivaya

Sunday, April 20

Correr debaixo de chuva

Mais um fim-de-semana mais uma prova popular, desta feita foi os 15 kms da XVII Corrida do Metro.

Tempo frio e chuvoso não foi suficiente para impedir que a malta fosse correr!

Corremos quer faça sol quer chova!

Corri ao lado do campeão Emanuel Dias (parabéns pelas 45 primaveras), assim é mesmo muito fácil correr, obrigado pela boleia! Até tive forças para acabar a prova em grande estilo como podem ver na foto.

Be happy!

Jay Gurudev!

Friday, April 18

A narrow escape – a pretty steep road

I can not remember exactly how old I was when this situation that I am going to write about happened in my life. Sometimes I think that It was when I was 15 or 16 or 18 years old. Unfortunately this is not the worst thing about my narrow escape I am going to tell you.

Well, when I was a little man a long time ago I rode my brother´s bike in my spare time. At this time my brother was a very good cyclist much better than me. His biggest test was participating in a race that they did a turn round the island of São Tiago

I often heard about his victories and abilities with his bike. I didn´t believe some if the stories that he and his colleges told me but I wanted to do something like that.

One beautiful day when my brother wasn’t at home I took his magic bike and I rode around. However I wanted to do something special. So I saw a pretty inclined/steep road and I couldn´t think about anything else so I decided go there, In spite knowing that the bike didn´t have any brakes.

Quickly I got up to speed and everything was happening so quickly that when I was going round the curve I saw a car in front of me in my way. After that I only remember that I was on the ground and a man in a red car stopped next to me and asked if I need to go to Hospital I told him yes.

Later when I woke up I was in Hospital waiting for my turn. My body was burning/hurting because I had scrapped it on the ground and I was covered in glood, my lips was swollen but I was alife and till this day I have scars all over my body!

Be Happy!

Jay Gurudev!

Wednesday, April 16

Sri Swami Vishwananda is my GURU

Me: Are you my Guru?

Sri Swami Vishwananda: Yes, I am your GURU.

Jay Gurudev!

Monday, April 14

A minha 14.ª Maratona

Quando se deu o tiro de partida para o início da 4.ª edição do Carlos Lopes Gold Marathon estava eu a participar na minha 14.ª maratona. Ao contrário das três edições anteriores esta começou às 16h30 num sábado.

Correr uma maratona é algo especial para mim, pois é uma espécie de encontro connosco, com aquilo que de mais profundo temos. E, é uma espécie de teste que pode implicar uma certa rendição, diria rendição a Deus ou à nossa natureza mais pura ou à nossa condição de simples corredor, com sensações à flor da pele.

Um colega perguntou-me no início – qual é o tempo que pensas fazer? Respondi: 3horas e 20 minutos. Pois, sabia que tinha treinado apenas 5 semanas, mas lá no fundo ambicionava, apesar de tudo concluir a prova em menos de 3horas e 20 minutos. Mas, o resultado foi mesmo 3horas 20minutos 28segundos. Estou muito satisfeito com o meu desempenho é o melhor resultado das últimas 4 maratonas.

Analisando a frio os tempos parciais ao longo da maratona chego a conclusão que se tivesse tido calma e paciência poderia ter feito um melhor resultado. Estive desconcentrado e não fiz da prova uma meditação como tinha acontecido na minha última maratona; puxei por mim antes do tempo, isto é, gastei energia desnecessária na primeira parte da prova, pelo que paguei caro, sobretudo os últimos 7 quilómetros.

Eis algumas fotos, a, b, c, d, e.

Já estou a pensar na próxima - Ultra Maratona Atlântica - que será a 3 de Agosto,

Be happy

Wednesday, April 9

Monday, April 7

Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to All Tibetans

Phayul [Sunday, April 06, 2008 11:28]

While extending my warm greetings to all the Tibetans in Tibet, I would like to share some of my thoughts.
1. Since March 10 this year, we have witnessed protests and demonstrations in almost all parts of Tibet, even in a few cities in Mainland China by students, which are the outburst of long pent-up physical and mental anguish of the Tibetans and the feeling of deep resentment against the suppression of the rights of Tibetan people, lack of religious freedom and for trying to distort the truth at every occasion, such as saying that Tibetans look towards the Chinese Communist Party as the "Living Buddha", is an ultra leftist statement and smacks of Han chauvinism. I am very much saddened and concerned by the use of arms to suppress the peaceful demonstrations of Tibetan people's aspirations that have resulted in unrest in Tibet, causing many deaths, and much more causalities, detention, and injury. Such suppression and suffering are very unfortunate and tragic which will reduce any compassionate person to tears. I, however, feel helpless in the face of these tragic incidents.
2. I pray for all the Tibetans as well as Chinese who have lost their lives during the current crisis.
3. The recent protests all over Tibet have not only contradicted but also shattered the People Republic of China’s propaganda that except for a few "reactionaries", the majority of Tibetans enjoy a prosperous and contented life. These protests have made it very clear that Tibetans in the three provinces of Tibet, U-tsang, Kham and Amdo, harbor the same aspirations and hopes. These protests have also conveyed to the world that the Tibet issue can no longer be neglected. These protests highlight the need to find a way to resolve the issue through "finding truth from facts". The courage and determination of those Tibetans who have, for the greater interests of Tibetan people, demonstrated their deep anguish and hopes by risking everything is very commendable as the world community has acknowledged and supported the spirit of these Tibetans.
4. I deeply appreciate the acts of many Tibetan government employees and Communist Party cadres who have, without losing their Tibetan identity, shown grit and sense of what is right during the present crisis. In future, I would appeal to the Tibetan Party cadres and government employees not to look always for their personal benefit, but to work for safeguarding the larger interests of Tibet by reporting the real sentiments of the Tibetan people to their superiors in the Party and try to give unbiased guidance to the Tibetan people.
5. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Nobel Laureates, Parliamentarians, and concerned citizens from every part of the world have been sending clear and strong messages to the Chinese leadership to stop the present ongoing harsh crackdown against the Tibetan people. They have all been encouraging the Chinese government to follow a path where a mutually beneficial solution could be reached. We should create an opportunity for their efforts to bring out positive results. I know you are being provoked at every level but it is important to stick to our non-violent practice.
6. The Chinese authorities have been making false allegations against myself and the Central Tibetan Administration for instigating and orchestrating the recent events in Tibet. These allegations are totally untrue. I have made repeated appeals for an independent and respected international body to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. I am sure this independent body will uncover the truth. If the People’s Republic of China has any basis and proof of evidence to back their allegations, they need to disclose these to the world. Just making allegations is not enough.
7. For the future of Tibet, I have decided to find a solution within the framework of the People's Republic of China. Since 1974, I have sincerely remained steadfast to the mutually beneficial Middle-Way Approach. The whole world knows this. The Middle-Way Approach means that all Tibetans must be governed by similar administration that enjoys meaningful National Regional Autonomy and all the provisions in it, self-rule and full decision-making, except for matters concerning foreign relations and national defense. However, I have said it from the beginning that the Tibetans in Tibet have the right to make the final decision for the future of Tibet.
8. The hosting of the Olympic games this year is a matter of great pride to the 1.2 billion Chinese people. I have from the very beginning supported the holding of these Games in Beijing. My position on this remains unchanged. I feel the Tibetans should not cause any hindrance to the Games. It is the legitimate right of every Tibetan to struggle for their freedoms and rights. On the other hand, it will be futile and not helpful to anyone if we do something that will create hatred in the minds of the Chinese people. On the contrary, we need to foster trust and respect in our hearts in order to create a harmonious society, as this cannot be built on the basis of force and intimidation.
9. Our struggle is with a few in the leadership of the People's Republic of China and not with the Chinese people. Therefore we should never cause misunderstanding or do something that will hurt the Chinese people. Even during this difficult situation, many Chinese intellectuals, writers and lawyers in Mainland China and other parts of the world have sympathized and shown us their solidarity by issuing statements, writing articles and offering pledges of support that is overwhelming. I have recently issued an appeal to the Chinese people all over the world on 28th March, which I hope you will hear and read.
10. If the present situation in Tibet continues, I am very much concerned that the Chinese government will unleash more force and increase the suppression of Tibetan people. Because of my moral obligation and responsibility to the Tibetan people, I have repeatedly asked the concerned leadership of the PRC to immediately stop their suppression in all parts of Tibet and withdraw its armed police and troops. If this brings result, I would also advise the Tibetans to stop all the current protests.
11. I want to urge my fellow Tibetans who live in freedom outside Tibet to be extra vigilant as they voice their feelings on the developments in Tibet. We should not engage in any action that could be even remotely interpreted as violent. Even under the most provocative of situations we must not allow our most precious and deeply held values to be compromised. I firmly believe that we will achieve success through our non-violent path. We must be wise to understand where the unprecedented affection and support for our cause stems from.
12. As Tibet is currently virtually closed and no international media is allowed there, I doubt my message will reach the Tibetans in Tibet. But I hope through media and by word of mouth, it will be passed on to the majority of you.
13. Finally, I want to reiterate and appeal once again to Tibetans to practice non-violence and not waver from this path, however serious the situation might be.
The Dalai Lama
April 6, 2008

(N.B. Translated from the Tibetan original)

Thursday, April 3


Rebirthing (Renascimento) é uma Terapia de desenvolvimento pessoal, criada por Leonard Orr na década de 70, que utiliza a respiração e o pensamento criativo como principais ferramentas.
Com a respiração é possível estabilizar ideias, ter mais energia, reforçar o nosso sistema imunitário, libertar traumas e bloqueios acedendo a memórias celulares e beneficiar da criação de ondas cerebrais de frequência mais elevadas.

No Rebirthing tomamos consciência do impacto que o nosso nascimento tem sobre as nossas vidas actuais. Desta forma, a consciência sobre a nossa história pessoal, sobre as nossas formas de pensamento e a origem das mesmas, possibilita uma rápida transformação melhorando a qualidade das nossas vidas, aumentando o nosso bem estar e criando a sensação de “estar de bem com a vida”.

“É curar o corpo, libertar tensões, ter melhores relacionamentos e rejuvenescer...”
(Sondra Ray)


Local: Espiral – Centro de Alternativas
Praça Ilha do Faial, nº 14-A
(Jardim Cesário Verde, à Estefânia)
Lisboa - Telef. 213553990

Turma a iniciar dia 8 Abril - Das 20.30h às 23.30h (terças- feiras)


SESSÃO 35€ (x12) – MENSAL 120€ (x3) - TOTAL 300€ (x1)


FACILITADORA: Gabriela Clemente*– 917 107 448 / 961 411 061

*Terapeuta de Rebirthing formada pela Escola Luso-Brasileira de Rebirthing Marinélia Leal

Wednesday, April 2

14 citações de hoje para pensar com sabedoria

"See luck when it is with you; and act responsibly when it is not."- C. P. Z. Von Clausewitz

"Flexibility in a time of great change is a vital quality of leadership."- Brian Tracy

"A creator can only create and to resist something is to make it bigger so don't focus on what you don't want only what you do want."- Anónimo

"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you."- Brian Tracy

"The world is more malleable than you think, and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape."- Bono, U2

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value."- Albert Einstein

"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude."- Zig Ziglar

"It's when you are not scared of losing that you win everything."- Shailendra Singh

"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."- Henry Ford

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."- Frank Tibolt

"In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."- Dwight Eisenhower

"A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights."- Brian Tracy

"I'm grateful for the opportunity to live on this beautiful and astonishing planet Earth. In the morning, I wake up with a sense of gratitude."- Earl Nightingale

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."- Nelson Mandel