Around 2 pm today November 30 2009 on the Celebration Day of Mahavatar Babaji Swamiji gave birth again to the Hiranyagarbha Lingam. It will remain with us till Midnight. Anyone is warmly welcome to receive its Darshan.
Cerca de 2 horas de hoje 30 de novembro de 2009, no Dia da Celebração Mahavatar Babaji. Swamiji deu à luz novamente ao Lingam Hiranyagarbha. Ele permanecerá conosco até meia-noite. Qualquer um é muito benvindo para receber o seu Darshan.
For more information / für mehr Information:
In addition, you may want to read this interesting article, which was published a few months after the first Golden Lingam appeared in November 2005: